
The Run Chapter 6

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  • She was conflicted whether or not to see the new Batman movie alone or to see it with friends. What does conflicting mean?
    Feeling one way about something and yet feeling a different way about it at the same time
  • Use the word ominous in a descriptive sentence using the topic "graveyard".
  • Disagree, Clash, and Opposed are all synonyms of which vocabulary word?
  • Use the word infect/infected in a descriptive sentence using the topic "germs".
  • Threatening, Dark, and Gloomy are all synonyms of which vocabulary word?
  • Use the word conflicted in a descriptive sentence using the topic "food".
  • Contaminate, Pollute, and Spoil are all synonyms of which vocabulary word?
  • The ominous atmosphere in the abandoned school made the hair on the back on my neck stand up. What does ominous mean?
    A sign of future evil or trouble
  • While reaching for the last french fry, Peter purposefully sneezed in Carlo's face to obtain his tasty prize. Little did he know he infected him with a killer cold. What does infect/infected mean?
    Spreading a disease; having or carrying a disease