
Central America and the Caribbean Islands

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  • What countries make up Central America?
    Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
  • Is Mexico part of Central America?
    No, it's part of North America
  • What is the capital of Jamaica?
  • Are all of the Caribbean islands independent countries?
    No, some of them belong to other countries.
  • What is the capital of El Salvador?
    San Salvador
  • How many countries make up Central America?
  • Is Trinidad and Tobago an independent country?
  • What is the capital of Dominica?
  • What is the only country in Central America that borders 4 other countries?
  • Which country controls Martinica?
  • What body of water is east of Central America?
    Pacific Ocean
  • What European countries have territories in the Caribbean? (Give at least 2)
    France, UK and the Netherlands
  • What two independent countries are located in the same island?
    Haiti and Dominican Republic
  • What American country has territories in the Caribbean?
    The USA
  • Is Puerto Rico an independent country?
  • Which is the largest island in the Caribbean?
  • What body of water is surrounded by Central America and the Caribbean Islands?
    Caribbean Sea
  • How is a large group of islands called?
  • What body of water is west of the Caribbean Islands?
    Atlantic Ocean
  • Which country controls Puerto Rico?
    The USA