
Reading Expert Insight 1(unit6)

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  • vocabulary: a problem that seems to move things in the wrong
  • Why was the law hard to put into practice?
    It was not clear how the law had to fix the problem of unequal funding.
  • What is one of the things Title IX states regarding women's sports in colleges?
    It states exactly how many women athletes a college should have.
  • What are the various meanings of the word " state " ?
    1.말하다(문서에 명시하다) 2.국가, 나라 3. 상태
  • vocabulary: to do what you have been told to do
  • T/F: Title IX states that funding of university sports must be exactly equal.
  • What is the main idea of the passage?
    Title IX was made to help fund women's sports.
  • What is the synonym of evenly ?
    equally , fairly
  • Why doesn't funding for men and women's sports need to be exactly equal ?
    Men's sports are more popular than women's sports.
  • How has Title IX affected the number of female athletes at universities ?
    It caused a significant increase in the number of female athletes.
  • vocabulary: money given to support something
  • How has the number of women athletes at universities changed since the law was passed?
    The number of women athletes has increased by over 400 percent.
  • Why was Title IX created ?
    It was created to make sure government funding for school was divided equally between men's and women's programs. '