
Types of games

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  • The only ____________ I want to join is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Other quizzes don’t have a million dollars to win.
    trivia game
  • f you like music or dance, you can try _______________ like Bemuse or Just Dance.
    rhythm games
  • ______________ are boring, mainly because I always lose in Monopoly and Scrabble. Dice aren’t my friends.
    Board games
  • My sister has a disease that makes her unable to go out in the sun so she stays in her bedroom playing ___________________.
    adventure games
  • Do you think Game of Chess belongs to sports games or ________________? Chess is a sport, but it also needs strategy to win the game.
    strategy games
  • __________________ can help us learn how to do things properly, but we have to keep it positive.
    Simulation games
  • _______ are the most fun because I can use various weapons to shoot my enemies.
    Shooter games
  • Final Fantasy is still my favourite __________________. My character in the game is Cloud Strive.
    role-playing game
  • Which ______________ is better in terms the tools; Kobalt or Craftsmen?
    survival game
  • It’s too bad that during the quarantine I cannot play basketball with my friends outside, but luckily, I have Basketball Stars on my phone, the best _____________ ever!
    sport games