
Fluency 3 Midterm Review - Units 1,2,3

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  • Which food do you sometimes throw out at home ? Why ? Is there something you can do ?
    vegetables, fruits....
  • Do you remember any fad (in fashion, food, music)?? What was it ? when ?
    saruel pants, eating coconut oil, not eating eggs...
  • How can you suggest a nice place to eat/have fun/go shopping, telling the person what to do, using if
    IF + SIMPLE PRESENT/ IMPERATIVE Ex.: If you want a fancy restaurant in POA, go to Cosmo.
  • Name 2 things/activities that you consider that is a waste of time and 2 that are time/money well spent .
    free answers
  • Use TOO MUCH in a sentence, and enough in another talking about habits
    ex.: I waste too much time on the cellphone, I think 3 hours a day is enough.
  • describe a recipe in 6 steps. (unit 2.2)
    first, then, and, finally, when, until, after
  • Say 4 things about you, using 4 different tenses.
    I have, I usually do, I've never, I've already, I went, I'm going to...
  • Which people do you rely on the most ? What role this person plays in your life ?
    I really realy on my mom, because she...
  • Talk about 3 things that are generally true, using if.
    If + simple present/Simple present
  • Tell 3 things that have future consequences, using if.
    If it rains today, I will take my umbrella
  • Time is money ? Talk for 1 min.
    value, price, worth, quality of life, standard of life, cost of living
  • What trend do you consider people are losing interest or on the way out ?
    Mullets, high waist pants, songs....
  • Nowadays, what app/person is all the rage now ??
    Instagram, tiktok, famous instragrammers, youtubers...
  • What can you do today to boost your life ? Unit 3.1 vocab.
    free answer. Unit 3.1 vocab.
  • Is there something in your lifestyle today, that you would trade for another ? what and why ?
    I would...because...
  • What elements do you consider to have a good quality of life ?
    cost/ standard of living, friends, family, healthcare, access to education, me time...
  • What things nowadays would you consider that cost a fair price ?
    craft hamburgers, soda...