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  • What are flat areas that are usually very fertile?
    Aluvial plains.
  • The largest continent is....
  • What type of mountain formation occurs when tectonic plates made of hard materials collide?
    A fault block.
  • The lowest continental landforms are....
  • The three main types of relief on the Earth's surface are:
    coastal, oceanic and continental relief.
  • This is a thin layer of Earth, made of rocks.
    The crust.
  • These are low areas which have been formed by transportation and deposition.
  • Which two factors are responsible for the shaping of the Earth's relief?
    By plate tectonics and external agents.
  • What types of continental landforms are there?
    Plateaus, plains, valleys and mountains.
  • What is this?
    It's a fjord.
  • What is the lithosphere?
    It's the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  • What is this?
    It's a basin.
  • True or false: Abyssal plains are very steep.
    False: They are very flat and smooth areas on the ocean floor.
  • What type of chart/graph is used to express geographical data?
    A pie chart, a bar chart, a line graph, a population pyramid or a climograph.
  • Complete the sentence: An ....... is a group of islands.
    An archipelago.
  • Biological erosion is caused by....
    plants and people.
  • What is magma?
    Magma is extremely hot liquid and semi-liquid rock located under Earth's surface.
  • How much of the Earth's surface is taken up by land?
    One third.
  • What external agents modify elevated landforms?
    Erosion, transportation and deposition.
  • What 4 different processes occur in orogenesis?
    Folding, folding and subduction, fault blocks and volcanic mountain formation.
  • True or false: Continental shelves are found in the middle of the ocean.
    False, they are found at the coast.
  • What's the difference between an "ocean ridge" and an "ocean trench"?
    A ridge is a high underwater mountain range and a trench is a narrow crevice located on the edges of the ocean.
  • What is a small gulf?
    A bay.
  • What is the difference between altitude and height?
    Height is measuring from the base of a mountain until it's peak and altitude is the height of a mountain peak above sea level.
  • What is the process of mountain formation called?
    It's called orogenesis.
  • This forms the largest part of the Earth.
    The mantle.
  • These are areas between mountains:
  • What is a cape?
    It's a piece of land that extends into the sea. A small one is called a POINT.
  • What is the external layer of the geosphere called?
    It's called the crust.
  • The core is the ..........layer of the Earth.
  • What was Pangaea?
    It was a supercontinent that incorporated almost all the landmasses on Earth.
  • Complete the sentence: land which is surrounded by water on 3 sides.
    A peninsula.