
JS8 - U12 - Day 19 - A train to freedom

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  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
    A courageous woman who escaped from slavery and helped many others to do the same through Underground Railroad.
  • Why did some people hate Harriet Tubman when she was an abolitionist?
    They could be the owners from the South
  • Why were "stations" and "depots" important to slaves on the Underground Railroad?
    Because they are safe places (homes, businesses, churches) where fugitive slaves could stop for food or shelter.
  • What is the "code"?
    A code is a hidden message. One word is used to mean another.
  • Who were "conductors"?
    The courageous people who went with slaves on the journey.
  • What was the Underground Railroad?
    A secret network of people who helped enslaved people escape.
  • How dangerous was it to travel on the Underground Railroad?
    They might never see their family and friends again. They might be beaten if the owners found them. They had to use to code instead of discussing out loud.
  • When did Harriet Tubman complete her own escape from slavery?
    When she was 29 years old.
  • Who were the supporters of the Underground Railroad?
    Homes, businesses, churches, and some groups of people in the South (Vigilance Committees)