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  • This flower has a hairy stem and can grow higher than an average person. It turns towards the sun and birds love to eat its seeds.
  • One of the most romantic flowers at all. It represents love and desire. In the US, about 200 million of these flowers are usually sold on Valentine's Day.
  • It´s a spring flower. It has different colours and in the Netherlands, these flowers are grown in the fields.
  • This white flower represents purity. It has an intense scent, some people can´t stand it. It´s also a girl´s name and a name of Alan Walker's song.
  • The red variety of this flower became a symbol of revolution after 1917. In Czechoslovakia, during the communist era, men gave this flower to women on International Women's Day.
  • This red flower blooms in summer. Children make little dolls out of it by turning the petals down and tying them up. It´s also a symbol of Memorial Day, which remembers the lives lost in a war.
  • This flower is a symbol of the first level of Girl Scouts. It represents innocence. In Czech we call it "7Beauty".
  • This tree smells beautiful all year long. It´s got long needles and it grows in the forest. When you add "apple" to its name, you get the name of a tropical fruit.
  • This little flower represents loyalty, devotion and faithfulness. It´s violet :)
  • This tree grows in front of our school in Balbínova Street. Its leaves have a heart shape and it´s our national tree.
    Linden /Lime tree
  • This tree is a symbol of endurance and strength. It´s a national tree of the US, England, France, Germany, Poland and many other countries.
  • It´s a yellow spring flower. The Czech translation of its name refers to a person who loves himself above all.
  • Yellow spring flowers with a hollow stem. Children make rings and garlands of them. There are usually lots of them in the meadow.
  • People in Prague welcomed the Red Army in May 1945 with this flower. It smells very nice and has many small flowers. It can be violet, pink or white.