
Used to / would / simple past

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  • My car ___________ (break) down, but now that it's old, it breaks all the time!
    didn't use to break / wouldn't break
  • We ____________ (get) pizza after school, but now the pizza place isn't there anymore.
    used to get / would get
  • My parents ___________ (live) in another city before I was born.
    used to live
  • My sister ________________ (play) soccer every afternoon.
    used to play / would play
  • I ___________________ (like) Mexican food, but I love it now.
    didn't use to like
  • _________ you _____________(see) the moon last night? It was beautiful!
    did / see
  • My dog _____________ (eat) my homework at least once a week, but my teacher didn't believe me.
    used to eat / would eat
  • I ________________ (study) hard because I didn't care about school.
    didn't used to study / wouldn't study
  • I ____________ (play) video games until one in the morning, but now I go to bed early.
    used to play / would play
  • My dad _____________ (get) lost in the new city. He finally bought a GPS so he can find his way around.
    used to get / would get
  • Where did he ____________ (go) to school before he came here?
    use to go
  • I __________ (lose) my key yesterday.
  • I _______________ (live) in Chicago. Now I'm in Atlanta.
    used to live
  • She _____________ (be) angry but she is very happy now.
    used to be angry
  • My brother _____________ (wake) me up very early in the morning....everyday!
    used to wake / would wake
  • My family _____________ (have) a dog when I was a kid.
    used to have
  • What __________ (be) your test about yesterday?
  • The team _________ (play) well today. They won the game!
  • My sister ___________ (make) me a cake for my birthday this year. She has never done that before.