
Magic Treehouse 9 Ch 5-7 Comprehension Quiz

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  • How was the minisub going to the junkyard?
    By helicopter
  • Why did Jack and Annie decide to do the breaststroke?
    So they wouldn't splash
  • What do you have to do if you are in the water with a shark?
    Keep calm
  • Where was the octopus hiding?
    Behind a giant sea plant
  • What had a very weird head?
    The hammerhead shark
  • Why couldn't they use the sub to go back to the reef?
    Because it was broken
  • What's a ships log?
    It's the diary of a ship's trip.
  • What creature had humanlike eyes?
    The octopus
  • Why did the octopus blink at Annie?
    It was trying to understand her.
  • How did Jack and Annie learn there was a problem with the sub?
    From the ship's log