
Bird Latin names

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  • What is the Latin name of a Short -toed Lark?
    Calandrella Brachydactylus
  • What is the Latin name of a Pine Grosbeak?
    Pinicola Enucleator
  • What is the Latin name of a Mistle Thrush?
    Turdus Viscivorus
  • What is the Latin name of a Garden Warbler?
    Sylvia Borin
  • What is the Latin name of a Chiffchaff?
    Phylloscopus collybita
  • What is the Latin name of the Lesser Black-backed Gull?
    Larus Fuscus
  • What is the Latin name of the Tree Sparrow?
    Passer Montanus
  • What is a Magpie's Latin name?
    Pica Pica
  • What bird has the Latin name Turdus Philomelos?
    Song Thrush
  • What is the Latin name of a Common Nightingale?
    Luscinia Megarhynchos
  • What is the Latin name of a White/Pied Wagtail?
    Monticilla Alba
  • What is the Latin name of the Common Linnet?
    Cardelius Cannabina
  • What is the Latin name of a Coal Tit?
    Periparus Ater
  • What is the Latin name of the European Starling?
    Sturnus Vulgaris
  • What is the Latin name of the Eurasian Jackdaw?
    Corvus Monedula
  • What is the Latin name of the White-Tailed Eagle?
    Haliaeetus Albicilla
  • What is the Latin name of the Hooded Crow?
    Corvus Cornix
  • What is the Latin name of the Eurasian Jay?
    Garrulus Glandarius