
Social Skills

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  • You see a classmate being mean to a friend. What can you do?
    Tell them that it's not nice to make fun of others, and make sure the friend is okay.
  • Should you talk to your friends?
    Conversations are meant to be 50-50
  • What makes you happy?
  • Your friend seems mad at you and you do not know why. What can you say to your friend?
    I noticed that you seem upset with me, is everything okay?
  • You WIN at playing a game, what do you say?
    Be kind and respectful of other players' feelings
  • When should you apologize?
    Apologizing and meaning what you say help others see that you are thinking about their feelings.
  • Is it okay to have the wrong answer?
    Sometimes learning involves getting things wrong, and that's okay!
  • What do you think is funny?
  • How would you respond when someone says, "it's nice to meet you!"
    On-topic response that carries on the conversation
  • What is something boring?
  • Have you ever been brave?
  • You see a classmate looking sad. What do you say?
    Is everything okay / Do you want to talk about it / How can I help you?
  • Is it okay to get upset or angry?
    Getting upset is a natural feeling that everyone experiences. Make sure you have helpful strategies to make yourself feel better!
  • What makes you nervous?
  • What makes you feel sad?
  • What is something you're proud of?
  • You LOSE at playing a game. What do you say?
    Something that is kind and respectful of other players' feelings
  • Which is more helpful when you are mad: Yelling OR Staying Calm? Why?
    Staying calm...
  • When I become upset, what are things I can do?
    Take deep breaths, count to 10, take about it, dink water / eat...
  • Tell me something you did to help a friend.