
Ecology Unit 6 Review

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  • Describe the symbiotic relationship of commensalism.
    In commensalism one organism benefits from the relationship and the other is unaffected (doesn't care, isn't harmed or doesn't benefit).
  • In a food web, the arrow depicts what information?
    direction of energy flow or energy transfer from one organism to the other
  • In this symbiotic relationship, one organism is harmed (the host) and the other benefits at the detriment of the other.
    Parasitism (Example: tick that feeds on blood of animals)
  • This biome is characterized by humid, wet weather, near the equator and very biodiverse.
    Tropical Rainforest
  • What is the carrying capacity of an ecosystem?
    The number of organisms that the ecosystem can support and all their needs will be met. The line on the graph where it levels out and stays straight.
  • How can you explain the energy transfer within an ecosystem?
    inefficient- a great loss from one trophic level to another
  • Name a top predator that would be at the top of an energy pyramid.
    Any large carnivore...hawk, coyote, wolf (Apex predator)
  • Which type of relationship exists if a wolf eats a squirrel?
  • Which type of consumer eats both plants and animals?
  • In this aquatic biome, salt and freshwater mix.
  • This biome has a wet and dry season, warm all year and has scattered clumps of trees.
  • This biome is the largest in the world and has long cold winters (Canada).
  • This biome allows for very little to no growth. Only lichen and moss can survive the harsh environment (cold desert)..
  • What does symbiosis mean?
    a long term relationship
  • In a population can expect the population of predators to show an increase when the population of prey shows a ________________.
    decrease (more predators to eat, less prey available and vise versa)
  • Energy is tranferred from a produer to a consumer how?
    When the consumer eats the producer or the primary consumer or secondary consumer. Through what it eats.
  • Which organism is the base of the food chain and supports the whole ecosystem?
    Producers (plants, autotrophs)
  • Why do large, top predators (tertiary consumers) need to eat more than a primary consumer?
    The amount of energy they receive from what they eat is much less than that of a primary consumer.
  • Name 3 abiotic factors in the desert.
    sand, sunlight, humidity, air, rocks
  • Which type of consumer is primarily located in trophic levels 3 & 4?
  • Which type of relationship exists when 2 birds live in the same area and eat the same seeds?
  • Plants can grow all year round in which biome because they receive large amounts of precipitation?
    Tropical Rainforest
  • If 2 organisms share a burrow to live in. Which type of relationship exists between them.
  • The energy from the sun is transferred to heterotrophs by what means?
    indirectly- by eating a producer
  • In a balanced ecosystem, which trophic level has the highest population? The least?
    Highest- Producers- Level 1, Least- Tertiary Consumer- Level 4
  • Name 3 biotic factors in the rainforest.
    trees, parrot, snake,
  • What is the role of a producer in an ecosystem?
    to use energy from the sun to make food
  • A marine biome is also called?
    salt water, ocean, sea
  • This biome is where we live and is characterized by leaves that change color in the Fall, mild weather and 4 seasons.
    Temperate Deciduous Forest
  • What type of relationship exists if a hawk and a snake both eat mice?
    competition (for food)
  • ________________________ is an interaction between abiotic and biotic factors in an area.
  • Food chain...grasses-insects-bird-snake-large bird. What would happen if all the insects died out?
    The number of birds (what eats the insects) would decrease
  • What is the difference between a habitat and niche?
    Habitat is where the organism lives (gets water, food, shelter, space). Niche is the role the organism plays within their environment (producer, consumer).
  • In a marine ecosystem, how is phytoplankton (producers) beneficial to humans?
    they feed the organisms such as fish (consumers) that we eat
  • Name an adaptation an organism would need to survive in the desert.
    conserve water, adapted kidneys to need less water, lighter fur, large ears for circulation, thin outer coat, deep roots
  • List the 5 types of consumers (heterotrophs).
    herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, decomposer, scavenger
  • In what trophic level on the energy pyramid do you find a primary consumer?
    the second
  • This biome is dry and very cold. The coldest in the world. The ground is permanently frozen.
  • The ultimate source of energy for all organisms is the?
  • List the correct order of the organization of the environment from smallest to largest.
    organism- population- community- ecosystem- biome- biosphere