
English File Intermediate File 8A

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  • "Did you were a suit to the job interview?" We ____ him ____
    We asked him if he had worn a suit to the job interview
  • "your new dress doesn't suit you" My mum told me ____
    my new dress didn't suit me
  • "How much did you pa for your jacket?"" It was a bargain" I asked Oliver____/He said____
    I asked Oliver how much he had payed for his jacket. He said that it had been a bargain
  • "When are you going shopping?" "I may go on Saturday" Holly asked me___/ I said___
    Holly asked me when I was going shopping / I said I might go on Saturday
  • "I didn't buy you a present" Luke told me ___
    he hadn't bought a present for me
  • "Can you help me?" Sally ___ the policeman ____
    Sally asked the policeman if he could help her
  • "Have you ever been married? She ___ him ____
    She asked him if he had ever been married
  • "Did you enjoy your stay?" "It's been very enjoyable" She asked us ___ /We told her__
    She asked us if we enjoyed the stay /We told her it had been very enjoyable.
  • "I won't wear these shoes again" Jenny said ____
    she wouldn't wear those shoes again
  • "Do you ever go to the theatre?" I ___ Lisa ____
    I asked Lisa if she ever went to the theatre
  • "I may not be able to go to the party" Matt said____
    he might not be able to go to the party
  • "I'm in love with you". My boyfriend told me ______
    He was in love with me
  • "Where do you usually buy your clothes?" My sister ____ me ____
    My sister asked me where I usually bought my clothes my
  • "I've booked the flights" Emma told me _____
    she had booked the flights
  • "Where are you going tomorrow?" "I'm meeting some friends" Sophie asked me ____/I told ____
    Sophie asked me where I was going yesterday. I told her that I was meeting some friends
  • "Will you be home tonight" Susan ____ Harry____
    Susan asked Harry if he would be home that night
  • "Why did you break up? My friend ____ me _____
    Asked me why I had broken up
  • "DO your school shoes still fit you?" "They fit me perfectly" I asked my daughter____/ she told___
    I asked my daughter if her school shoes still it her. She told me that they fit her perfectly
  • "Where do you buy your clothes?"/"I buy them online" I ____Kate//She ___me ____
    I asked Kate where she bought her clothes. She told me she bought them online
  • "I'm selling all my books"- My friend Tim said_____
    he was selling all his books
  • "Have you seen my wallet?" "I don't know where it is" He asked me ____/I said___
    He asked me if I had seen his wallet . I said I didn't know where it was.
  • "I can't find anywhere to park" He told me ...
    he couldn't find anywhere to park
  • "When are you leaving? My parents____ me ____
    asked me when I was leaving
  • "Do you need anything from the shop?" "I want some chocolate" I asked john__/He said___
    I asked John if he needed anything from the shop. He said he wanted some chocolate.