
Comparatives 2

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  • Today the temperature is 30 degrees. Yesterday it was 29. Today is (НЕМНОГО жарче) than yesterday.
    Today the temperature is 30 degrees. Yesterday it was 29. Today is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) hotter than yesterday.
  • My job isn't very interesting. I want to do something (ЧУТЬ более интересное).
    My job isn't very interesting. I want to do something A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) more interesting.
  • The white flower isn’t very nice. The yellow one is (ГОРАЗДО симпатичнее).
    The white flower isn’t very nice. The yellow one is MUCH (FAR/A LOT) nicer.
  • This bag is too small. I need something (ЧУТЬ больше).
    This bag is too small. I need something SLIGHTLY (A LITTLE/A BIT) bigger.
  • The weather isn’t too bad today. Yesterday it was (ЧУТЬ хуже).
    The weather isn’t too bad today. Often it is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) worse.
  • It isn’t very warm today. It was (ЧУТЬ теплее) yesterday.
    It isn’t very warm today. It was A BIT (A LITTLE/SLIGHTLY) warmer yesterday.
  • They weren't very surprised. You were (ГОРАЗДО более удивлен) than (them/they).
    They weren't very surprised. You were FAR (MUCH/A LOT) more surprised than THEM.
  • He is very tall. But my brother is (НЕМНОГО выше) than (he/him).
    He is not very tall. My brother is A BIT (A LITTLE/SLIGHTLY) taller than HIM.
  • Jim is not very fast. Jane is (ГОРАЗДО быстрее) than (him/he).
    Jim is not very fast. Jane is A LOT (MUCH/FAR) faster than HIM.
  • I don't watch TV very much. My cat watches TV (ЧУТЬ больше) than (I/me).
    I don't watch TV very much. My cat watches TV A BIT (A LITTLE/ SLIGHTLY) more than ME.
  • Your idea is very good. But mine is (НЕМНОГО лучше).
    Your idea is very good. But mine is SLIGHTLY (A LITTLE/A BIT) better.
  • My house was built a hundred years ago. His house was built a year ago. My house is (НАМНОГО старше) than his.
    My house was built a hundred years ago. His house was built a year ago. My house is A LOT (MUCH/FAR) older than his.
  • You are driving too fast. Could you drive (НЕМНОГО медленнее)?
    You are driving too fast. Could you drive A BIT (A LITTLE/SLIGHTLY) slower?
  • My telephone costs two hundred dollars. Yours is 202. Yours is (НЕМНОГО дороже) than mine.
    My telephone costs two hundred dollars. Yours is 202. Yours is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) more expensive than mine.
  • My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is (НЕМНОГО тяжелее).
    My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) heavier.
  • Jack hasn't got much money. Jim has (ГОРАЗДО больше) money than (him/he).
    Jack hasn't got much money. Jim has A LOT (MUCH/FAR) more money than HIM.
  • They can swim pretty fast, but she swims (ЧУТЬ БЫСТРЕЕ) than (them/they).
    They can swim pretty fast, but she swims SLIGHTLY (A LITTLE/A BIT) faster than THEM.
  • Friday hasn't been very long on the island. Robinson has been there (НАМНОГО дольше) than (he/him).
    Friday hasn't been very long on the island. Robinson has been there MUCH (A LOT/FAR) longer than (he/him).
  • Yesterday he felt OK. Today he feels terrible. Today he feels (ГОРАЗДО хуже) than yesterday.
    Yesterday he felt OK. Today he feels terrible. Today he feels MUCH (A LOT/FAR) worse than yesterday.
  • I thought she was (моложе) than (I/me), but in fact she is (НЕМНОГО старше).
    I thought she was younger than ME, but in fact she is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) older.
  • I’m not very interested in literature. I’m (ГОРАЗДО больше интересуюсь) in sports.
    I’m not very interested in literature. I’m FAR (A LOT/MUCH) more interested in sports.
  • Helen's car isn't very big. She wants a (НЕМНОГО побольше) one.
    Helen's car isn't very big. She wants a SLIGHTLY (A BIT/A LITTLE) bigger one.
  • He speaks English (ГОРАЗДО хуже) than (she/her).
    He speaks English A LOT (MUCH/FAR) worse than HER.
  • France is (НЕМНОГО больше) than Britain.
    France is SLIGHTLY (A LITTLE/A BIT) bigger than Britain.
  • My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is (ГОРАЗДО удобнее).
    My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is A LOT (MUCH/FAR) more comfortable.
  • We aren't working very hard. You are working (ГОРАЗДО интенсивнее) than (us/we).
    We aren't working very hard. You are working MUCH (A LOT/FAR) harder than US.
  • This knife isn’t very sharp. Do you want a (ГОРАЗДО более острый) one?
    This knife isn’t very sharp. Do you want a MUCH (FAR) sharper one?
  • These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted (ГОРАЗДО лучше).
    These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The other ones tasted A LOT (MUCH/FAR) better.
  • We don't see many people. You see (НЕМНОГО больше) people than (we/us).
    We don't see many people. You see A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) more people than US.
  • Dragonfly doesn’t work very hard. Ant works (НАМНОГО интенсивнее).
    Dragonfly doesn’t work very hard. Ant works FAR (MUCH/A LOT) harder.
  • They are not very old. He is (НЕМНОГО СТАРШЕ) than (they/them).
    They are not very old. He is SLIGHTLY (A LITTLE/A BIT) older than THEM.
  • I am not a very good cook. You cook (ГОРАЗДО лучше) than (me/I).
    I am not a very good cook. You cook FAR (MUCH/A LOT) better than ME.
  • She often gets up very late. You usually get up (НЕМНОГО раньше) than (she/her).
    She usually gets up very late. You always get up SLIGHTLY (A BIT/A LITTLE) earlier than HER.
  • Emma was born one hour later than Gemma. Emma is (НЕМНОГО моложе) than Gemma.
    Emma was born one hour later than Gemma. Emma is A BIT (A LITTLE/SLIGHTLY) younger than Gemma.
  • I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It was (ГОРАЗДО интереснее) than I expected.
    I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It was FAR (A LOT/MUCH) more interesting than I expected.
  • My friend thinks that London is lovely, but Paris is (НЕМНОГО красивее).
    My friend thinks that London is lovely, but Paris is A LITTLE (A BIT/SLIGHTLY) more beautiful..