
B2 Mistakes / Obligations from the past.

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  • What is something you were supposed to do at school?
    When I was a child, I was supposed to do homework every day.
  • What is something you regret?
    I should have studied English when I was younger.
  • What is something you shouldn't have done?
    I should have cleaned my house, but I didn't.
  • What is something you were supposed to do yesterday?
    I was supposed to clean my house, but I didn't.
  • What was an obligation you had and you didn't like?
    I had to wear an uniform to school but I hated it!
  • What's one of your current obligations?
    I have to work every day.
  • What is something you thought you needed when you were younger?
    I thought I needed to have a lot of videogames, but I don't play anymore.
  • What is something you need right now?
    I really need to make more money.