
Context Clues

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  • Even though Sam should've have been upset, she felt oddly (tranquil) upon learning that she would not be receiving the scholarship.
  • You don't want to wrap your presents in plastic wrap because plastic wrap is (transparent).
    Easily visible
  • After reviewing the votes, the results came out and (unanimously) Peter won.
    in complete agreement
  • Now that Mrs. Glass has spilled the beans that someone's looking for him, if he wants to remain (incognito), he's going to be twice as cau­tious.
    a person whose actual identity is disguised or concealed
  • The two students had a (amicable) discussion despite arguing early on in the day.
  • Peter was known to have the gift of giving (succinct) explanations when covering complex subjects such as Rocket Science.
  • Lastly, make sure you (scrutinize) the wedding invitation and the schedule for any specific dress requirements.
  • The student continually referred to her by her first name without her permission, using a (patronizing) tone.
    to humiliate
  • James, you need to (cease) tapping your pencil because other people are trying to concentrate.
    To stop
  • Mark and Annie noticed that the protagonist did not successfully reach (solace) by the end of the film.
  • Bats are social, (nocturnal) and they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate.
    Most active at night.
  • Snoring is mostly a (nuisance), but in some situations may need to be checked on by a doctor.
  • No matter how much the old woman yelled at him about not receiving her check, the mailman stayed calm and remained (civil).
  • When Tom's chronically late boss punished him for coming in late one day, Tom thought it was total (hypocrisy).
    saying or feeling one thing and doing another
  • She tried to pay me with play money, as though I were a (simpleton) who would accept it.
    A fool
  • Shortly after his (epiphany), Max passionately applied and enrolled into medical school.
  • I became a vegetarian when I found out about the (dreadful) treatment that factory farmed animals receive.