
P5 Science Quiz

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  • What is gastritis? Tell the symptoms, causes, and how to avoid it.
    answer may vary
  • Breathing is the process of taking in __________________ from the surrounding and giving out ____________________ from our body to the surroundings.
    oxygen, carbon dioxide
  • In which part do nutrients from digested food absorb and enter the bloodstream?
  • What happens when the air we breathe enters part C?
    The oxygen from the air we breathe is exchanged with carbon dioxide.
  • Explain about how does a goldfish breathe.
    It takes in oxygen that is dissolved in water through their gills.
  • Which of the following paths correctly shows how food traveled in our digestive system?
    A → B → C → E → D → F
  • True or False. Air sac is the tiny bubble-like structure in our lungs where the air is filtered by tiny hairs. If false, revise the sentence!
    F. Air sac is the tiny bubble-like structure in our lungs where the gas exchange takes place.
  • Mention 2 functions of skull.
    To give our head shape and protect our brain.
  • Clark is allergic to flowers’ pollen. Every time he is near the flower, he suffers from coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. What do we call the disease that Clark gets?
  • When we eat food that is not clean, we can get an illness that affects the large intestine. The person who suffers from the illness will get _______________________ where the feces passes out frequently in liquid or semi-liquid form or the
    diarrhea, constipation
  • Tell 3 correct ways to store food.
    (Answer may vary)
  • When we breathe in, our ribcage moves ____________________ and our diaphragm moves _________________________.
  • True or False. Nutrients are absorbed in the large intestine. If false, revise the sentence!
    F. (answer may vary)
  • Part ______ has tiny hairs which filter the dust particles from the air we breathe in.
  • The small intestine produces _____________________ to break down food we ate in the process called digestion to produce _____________________.
    digestive juices, energy.
  • Find one statement that is not related to other statements.
    C. Because it is the function of the digestive system.
  • Tell the correct pathway of air entering our respiratory system.
    Nostril → windpipe → air tubes → air sacs
  • __________________ is a place where two or more bones meet.
  • Which organs in our body are protected by the ribcage, hip bone, and skull?
    lungs, bladder, and brain
  • A tendon connects bones to _____________________, while a ligament connect bones to _____________________.
    muscle, bones
  • One symptom of reflux disease is _____________________, the burning pain in our lower chest. It may be caused by _____________________.
    heartburn, spicy food/drink alcohol
  • To complete the respiration process above, X should be ___________________.
  • Animals use their musculoskeletal system to move from place to place. Snakes use their muscles to ________________. Birds use their bones and muscles to ________________.
    Glide, fly
  • Explain about how does the dolphin breathe.
    The dolphin jump out of the water to take in oxygen from the air through their blowholes.
  • Explain how the muscles work in A, B, C, and D.
    A – Relaxed; B – Contracted; C – Contracted; D – Relaxed.
  • Joints help us to move in different ways. We can find ball and socket joints in our ______________________ and we can find hinge joints in our ______________________.
    Shoulder/Hips. Arm/Knees