
Slope Intercept Form

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  • In the equation y=2x+5, does the line cross the y-axis above or below the origin?
  • The initial (beginning) value of a relationship is the same as what in y = mx + b?
    y-intercept (b value)
  • In the equation y=-4x+3, does the line have a positive or negative slope?
  • In the equation y=-2x-3, does the line cross the y-axis above or below the origin?
  • Which letter represents the slope in the equation y=mx+b?
  • In the equation y=-6x+2, is the slope positive or negative?
  • Is the relationship modeled by the equation y=2/3x  -5 proportional or non proportional?
    non proportional
  • If the slope of a relationship is -1/2 and the y-intercept is 4, what is the linear equation that represents it?
  • What is the equation of the line shown?
    y = 3x + 1
  • What is the y-intercept of the line shown?
  • If the y-intercept of a graph is -2 and the slope is 3/2, what is the equation?
  • What does it mean if a relationship is linear?
    It forms a straight line when graphed/it has a constant rate of change.
  • Which letter in y=mx+b represents the y-intercept?
  • What is the slope of the line shown?
  • Is the relationship modeled by the equation y=3x proportional or non proportional?
  • What is the y-intercept of the graph shown?