
Kids 1 - game 1

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  • Where is the dog?
    The dog is under the table.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a black wastebasket.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a brown book.
  • When is Carnival?
    Carnival is in February.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a gray/silver refrigerator.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the kitchen.
  • Where is the ball?
    The ball is on the table.
  • How many pencils are there?
    There are eleven pencils. (11)
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the bathroom.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a pink ruler.
  • How many pencils are there?
    There are fifteen pencils. (15)
  • How many blue pens are there?
    There are five blue pens. (5)
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the living room.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a blue notebook.
  • How many green pencils are there?
    There are three green pencils. (3)
  • How many yellow pencils are there?
    There are two yellow pencils. (2)
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a white window.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the dining room.
  • Where is the apple?
    It's between the boxes.
  • When is Christmas?
    Christmas is in December.
  • When is Children's Day?
    Children's Day is in October.
  • Where is the boy?
    The boy is behind the chair.
  • Who is he? (family member)
    He is their father.
  • Who is she? (family member)
    She is their mother.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a white eraser.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a blue sofa.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a gray rug.
  • What's this? (color+object)
    It's a white air conditioner.
  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the bedroom.
  • Who are they?
    They are Ginger and Buddy.