
Sports - present continuous and past tense

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  • The basketball
    jumped across the court
    bounced across the court
    bouncing across the court
    bounce across the court
  • The dinosaurs are
    skied down the mountain
    skiiing down the mountain
    ski down the mountain
    down the mountain
  • He is
  • The second dinosaur
    following the first dinosaur
    followed the first dinosaur
    chase the dinosaur
    follow the first dinosaur
  • He
    woned the game
    won the game
    one the game
    winning the game
  • He is
    throwed a ball
    threw the ball
    score a point
    scoring a point
  • The kangaroo is
    chased the man
    catched the man
    chast the man
    chasing the man
  • The man....
    jumpet on the giant ball
    jumping on the giant ball
    jumped on the giant ball
    jump on the giant ball
  • Last week, Stevie...
    swinging the racket
    swinged the racket
    swung the racket
    threw the racket
  • Yesterday I....
    kicked a ball
    kick a ball
    kicking a ball
    kickt a ball
  • They are
    spun their racket
    spint the racket
    spinning their racket
    spinned their racket
  • He is...
    swinged the racket
    swung the racket
    threw the racket
    swinging the racket
  • The minion is
    kicked a ball
    kickt a ball
    kicking a ball
    kick a ball
  • They...
    spinned their racket
    spint the racket
    spun their racket
    spinning their racket
  • The man is....
    jump on the giant ball
    jumpet on the giant ball
    jumped on the giant ball
    jumping on the giant ball
  • He
    scoring a point
    throwed a ball
    throwing the ball
    scored a point
  • The child's basketball is
    jumped across the court
    bounced across the court
    bounce across the court
    bouncing across the court