
Budget Vocab

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  • This is the money you receive for doing a job
  • This is the paper form you fill out to pay someone
    A check
  • You can use this plastic card to pay for items and be billed later with interest
    Credit card
  • This is the term for when you spend your money...
  • The extra money you pay to a bank when you borrow money
  • When your spending and savings equal your income, then your budget is
  • When your spending and savings are more than your income, then you are...
    over budget
  • This is something you need to have to live.
    a NEED
  • This is the money you receive from your parents for doing chores
    An allowance
  • This account is where you put money you want to save
    Savings Account
  • The building where you put money to save it or to spend it
    A bank
  • This account is accessible through writing checks or a debit card
    Checking Account
  • This is the paper you fill out to deposit money into your bank account
    A deposit slip
  • This is something you wish for, but you do not require it to live
    a WANT
  • You can use this plastic card to get money directly out of your bank account without paying interest
    A debit card
  • A plan to to help you understand your savings and your expenses
    A budget