
Body Language and gestures

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  • You __________________ , usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone who is far.
    wave your hand
  • In Brazil, when women meet, they greet _____________their cheeks.
    kissing each other on their
  • When we were walking at the park I saw I duck flying and I ______at it.
  • He ____________ because the question was so confusing.
    scratched his head
  • In most Latin American countries, people __________ when they meet for the first time.
    shake hands
  • In Japan, people ______ when they greet.
  • The teacher asked him to aswer the question, but he _______ his shoulders because he didn't know it.
  • John gave him ________sign to show she liked her paiting.
    the thumbs up
  • She ________ before starting the test as a sing of good luck.
    crossed her fingers
  • What is a gesture you make with your figners to call someone to get closer to you?
    move your finger
  • This is a gesture you use to say "yes" with your eyes.