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  • Edward's neighbors were renovating their kitchen. They made a lot of noise every day until midnight. Edward called the police.
  • Steve's old car broke down on the highway late one night, and his cell phone battery was dead. He left the car on the side of the road and walked home.
  • I spent an hour making Joe dinner, and he didn't even thank me.
  • Bill lied to us about the money we earned.
  • Barbara's boss borrowed $20 from her a month ago, but he forgot to pay her back. Barbara never said anything.
  • Sarah was in a park. She saw some people leave all their trash after they had finished their picnic. She did nothing.
  • Carol came over for dinner empty-handed.
  • Mrs. King wouldn't let her children watch TV for a month because they broke a window playing baseball
  • Ruth still hasn't paid me back.
  • Sue forgot her boyfriend's birthday.
  • Tim got a speeding ticket.