
Earth Day

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  • Which modal verb do we use to express ability or permission?
    Can and can't
  • If the ice caps melt...
    the sea level will rise
  • Which modal verb do we use to express recommendation and advice?
    Should and shouldn't
  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, a.k.a. ...
    The three Rs of waste management
  • Which modal verb do we use to express obligation and prohibition?
    Must and mustn't
  • What kind of answers can we get if we ask "Should I...?", "Can I...?" or "Must I...?"?
    Yes/no answers, but if we use an interrogative pronoun, we can get an open answer
  • Which are some of the environmental problems that produce climate change?
    Light pollution, plastic pollution, air pollution, water pollution and deforestation
  • How is the word "should" pronounced?
    /ˈʃʊd/, the L is silent
  • "Ought to" is an equivalent of...
  • When do we use imperatives?
    For orders, instructions, warnings and to motivate and encorage