
Idioms related to work

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  • What is the meaning of talk shop?
    To talk about things relating to your work when you are in a social situation, especially in a way that is not interesting to other people.
  • What's the meaning of be in hot water?
    To be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished.
  • What is the meaning of Call the shots?
    To be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation.
  • In what kind of situation does sb breathe down your neck?
    Any acceptable answer.
  • What is the meaning of To get a foot in the door?
    To enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future.
  • What is the meaning of To show somebody the ropes?
    show them how to do a particular job or task.
  • What is the meaning of Call it a day?
    To stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough.
  • What do you do to recharge your batteries?
    Any acceptable answer.
  • Make a sentence using any idiom we have just learnt.
    Any acceptable answer.