
What are you wearing

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  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing a green shirt
  • What is the cat wearing?
    The cat is wearing a blue and pink hat, and a blue and pink shirt.
  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing a yellow t-shirt, a brown helmet, blue shorts, grey shoes and green socks
  • What is the dog wearing?
    The dog is wearing a big purple hat
  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing blue jeans, a red and black shirt
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a blue coat, black and white pants and grey running shoes.
  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing a big yellow raincoat, black shorts, green rainboats.
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a white baseball cap, a red coat blue jeans, red running shoes.
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a white t-shirt, a red and blue big coat, black pants and grey running shoes.
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a blue and red bike helmet, a big blue sweatshirt, black pants and black running shoes.
  • What are they wearing?
    They are wearing a grey shirt, blue jeans, black skates, big black mitts
  • What are they wearing?
    They are wearing big, blue sunglasses, orange scarves, brown pants
  • What is he wearing?
    He is wearing a white baseball hat, green shorts, a black and blue t-shirt.
  • What is she wearing?
    She is wearing a big red hat, a pink skirt, black pants and white shoes