
Symptoms and illnesses

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  • Say it in English: czuć się chorym
    feel ill/sick
  • I worked on my computer for a long time and now I’ve got a ........ ........
  • Say it in English: szykować się do snu
    get ready for bed
  • I ate too much and now I have a .....
  • You've got a very ...... ........ , 40 Celsius! I think you have the .... .
    high temperature; flu
  • I shouldn’t eat fish because I’ve got a ...
    food allergy
  • Say it in English: iść do łóżka
    go to bed
  • If you sneeze when you're near flowers, maybe you have ....
    sneeze, hay fever
  • Say it in English: wylegiwać się
    stay in bed late
  • Say it in English: późno chodzić spać
    stay up late
  • Please cover your mouth when you ......
    cough or sneeze
  • Say it in English: iść spać
    go to sleep
  • Say it in English: wstawać wcześnie
    get up early
  • Say it in English: czuć się źle
    feel terrible
  • Say it in English: mieć sen, śnić
    have a dream
  • Say it in English: zasnąć
    fall asleep
  • Say it in English: wstawać późno
    get up late
  • Say it in English: senny
  • I was shouting and now I've got a ........ .......... .
    sore throat