
What's in the/ how do you go

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  • How does Ksawery go to school?
    He goes to school by car.
  • What's in the forest?
    There is a house in the forest.
  • How do you go to the forest?
    I go to the forest by bike.
  • How does Dominika go to the shop.
    She goes to the shop on foot.
  • How does Julia go to the beach?
    She goes to the beach by bike.
  • What's on the table ?
    There is a trumpet on the table.
  • What's on the table?
    There is a violin on the table.
  • What's in the garage?
    There are drums in the garage.
  • What's in the garden?
    There is a chair in the garden.
  • How do you go to the mountains?
    I go to the mountains by helicopter.
  • What's in the living room?
    There is a piano in the living room.
  • How does Kacper go to the mall?
    He goes to the mall by bus.
  • How does Nathalie go to Germany?
    She goes to Germany by plane.
  • What's on the sea?
    There are four boats on the sea.
  • What's in the lake?
    There are three fish in the lake.
  • What's in the garage?
    There is a ( blue) car in the garage.
  • How does Tomek go to Paris?
    He goes to Paris by helicopter.
  • What's in the sky?
    There are three planes in the sky.
  • How do you go to the park.
    I go to the park on foot.
  • How does she go to the cinema?
    She goes to the cinema by car.
  • How do you go to school?
    I go to school on foot.