
MARCH (What did we do?)

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  • What fraction would each pizza slice show?
  • You need to double the consonant before you add "ing" or "ed" if the word ends with a ___ and a ____.
    short vowel and a consonant
  • When is St. Patrick's Day?
    March 17th
  • Name 2 of this Month's WOTWs.
    Self, Leadership, Spring, Forgiveness
  • How many quarters make a whole?
  • If each team member says something kind to the other team, you get these bonus points.
  • How would you add "ing" to the word "hope"?
    Hoping (take away the e)
  • The amount that an object holds is called?
  • Name 5 important women (who show leadership...etc.)
    Malala, Michelle Obama, Viola Desmond, Taylor Swift, moms, aunts, grandmas...
  • Which vowel teams make the LONG A sound?
    Ai, ay OR a_e (magic e)
  • Which vowel teams make the LONG O sound?
    oa, ow, and o_e (magic)
  • What does it mean to be a "purple person"?
    Ask questions, use your voice, laugh a lot, work hard, be you
  • Name 3 Special Days that we celebrated this month.
    Ash Wednesday, Women's Day, St. Patrick's Day, World Poetry Day, World Water Day...
  • Name three things we talked about in Math this month.
    Area, capacity, mass, fractions...
  • What Robert Munsch story did we celebrate at the beginning of this month?
    The Paper Bag Princess
  • Think of a spring word and a word that rhymes with it.
    Ex. flower and power, rain and plain, bee and me.
  • Say 5 words that have the LONG O sound.
    Example: Boat, goal, flow, no, elbow..
  • Which of these is not a Spring month - April, May or July?
  • Which vowel teams make the LONG E sound?
    ee, ea, e_e(magic e)
  • What does this fraction mean? 1/2
  • How do you catch a leprechaun?
    you don't
  • If each team member stands up and does 5 jumping jacks you get these bonus points
  • Name 3 ways that we can save water.
    Ex. turning off the tap, not polluting, having showers instead of baths
  • What can we use to make stories more interesting to listen to?
    voices, props, actions...