
Asking Polite Questions

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  • You forgot your grammar book. You need to borrow one from the teacher.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You're in class. A student is talking to his friends.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • It's cold outside and your child left the door open. You want your child to close the door.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You want a friend to turn on the light in the room.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You have finished eating at a restaurant. You want to ask the server for the bill.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • Your spouse is watching the TV very loudly. You're trying to sleep.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You are very busy. You need your spouse to do the dishes.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You don't understand a word the teacher used. 
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • Your classmate has an eraser. You need to use it for a moment.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You need to find flour in the supermarket. You ask a grocery store employee for help.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You want to buy a snack from the vending machine, but you have no money.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You are at a friend's house. You're thirsty.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You are at the shoe store. You need a different shoe size.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You're at a restaurant. You want to order a cup of coffee.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • Your friend has a dictionary. You want to borrow it.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You need to use the pencil sharpener on the teacher's desk.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You have no paper. You want to borrow a sheet of paper from your classmate.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You are talking to a person who is speaking too quickly.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You have an appointment and need to leave work one hour early.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • It's cold outside and you forgot your jacket. Your friend has an extra jacket.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You're lost. You need to ask for directions to the post office.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You're having trouble with the computer in the computer lab.
    Would you...? / Could you...?
  • You don't have a pen. You want to borrow a pen from the teacher.
    May I...? / Can I...? / Could I...?
  • You need to tell an Uber where to drop you off.
    Would you...? / Could you...?