
Problem Solving - Year 6

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  • I want to chat with Ahmed but he's reading his book. What can I say or do?
  • I forgot to bring my lunch to school
  • I have PE and Food tech on the same day but I’m worried I might forget something. What can I do?
  • It's raining outside and I forgot my coat
  • This class is too loud and you feel overwhelmed
  • Someone keeps talking when the teacher is talking and I can't concentrate
  • My teacher is talking too fast
  • My teacher reminds everyone to look at the board but I find it hard to listen and look at the board.
  • I need a brain break but I don't know my teacher very well
  • I need some help with this question on the worksheet
  • It's my first day of school and I don't know anyone
  • You have forgotten your homework
  • I don't know the word my teacher just said
  • We have a school trip today but I can't remember what time we're getting the bus. What should I do?
  • There's been a lot of changes to my timetable recently and I'm finding it a bit difficult. What can I do?
  • My friend said something mean to me
  • I can't remember where my next lesson is
  • I'm using my fidget tool and a teacher asks what I'm holding
  • I’m sat next to someone new in science and I’m not sure what to say. What could I say to them?
  • You're late to school and don't know what is happening in class
  • I feel really nervous about today's maths test