
IELTS 5.0_W12_Water resources

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  • How does water transport, like boats and ships, compare with other kinds? Are there any advantages/disadvantages of water transport?
  • Not being able to get clean water is a big problem in many places. What are some ways in which people can be provided with clean water/
  • What problems are there if you don't have running water in your house?
  • What is the major use of water in your country?
  • Not being able to get clean drinking water is a big problem in many places. What are some ways in which people can be provided with clean water?
  • Do you think the beach is more suitable for children or for old people?
  • What are some of the causes of water pollution?
  • What problems are there if you don't have access to clean water?
  • Should the government control water usage?
  • Is it important to conserve water?
  • Do you think water is our most precious resource? Why or why not?
  • How important is it for a town or city to be located near a river or the sea? Why?