
Relative Clauses

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  • Madrid is a great place. Madrid is north of Seville.
    Madrid, which is north of Seville, is a great place.
  • Fred ate the sandwich. I had made the sandwich for myself.
    Fred ate the sandwich which/that I had made for myself.
  • Nelson Mandela was an incredible person. He was a great leader.
    Nelson Mandela, who was a great leader, was an incredible person.
  • John is living in Thailand now. John got divorced last year.
    John, who got divorced last year, is living in Thailand now.
  • CAN'T  use ¨that¨ as a relative pronoun
    Defining Relative Clauses
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
  • Gives us EXTRA information about what we are talking about
    Defining Relative Clauses
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
  • His friend lives in Scotland. His friend is a lawyer. (He has many friends in Scotland)
    His friend who/that is a lawyer lives in Scotland.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1821. Napoleon was French.
    Napoleon Bonaparte, who was French, died in 1821.
  • Tells us EXACTLY what we are talking about
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
    Defining Relative Clauses
  • Can sometimes omit ¨who¨ or ¨which¨
    Defining Relative Clauses
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
  • I broke the plate. The plate was a wedding present.
    I broke the plate which/that was a wedding present.
  • The police arrested the man. I saw the man steal a wallet.
    The police arrested the man who/that I saw steal a wallet.
  • My grandma is so lovely. She turns 102 today.
    My grandma, who turns 102 today, is so lovely.
  • This is the town. I was born there.
    This is the town where I was born.
  • She fired the chef. The chef was very unkind.
    She fired the chef who/that was very unkind.
  • Gives us NECESSARY information to help us understand what we are talking about
    Defining Relative Clauses
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
  • The White House is in Washington DC. The president lives in the White House.
    The White House, where the president lives, is in Washington DC.
  • Kevin is coming to the party. Kevin is a party animal.
    Kevin, who is a party animal, is coming to the party.
  • The man is handsome. I met him yesterday.
    The man who/that I met yesterday is handsome.
  • Chichen Itza is amazing. Chichen Itza is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
    Chichen Itza, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world, is amazing.
  • The Caribbean is very beautiful. The Caribbean has amazing beaches.
    The Caribbean, which has amazing beaches, is very beautiful.
  • Can use ¨that¨ instead of ¨who¨ or ¨which¨
    Defining Relative Clauses
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
  • They found the money. I had dropped the money.
    They found the money which/that I had dropped.
  • Need to separate the relative clause with commas
    Non Defining Relative Clauses
    Defining Relative Clauses