
Hazards - Chem/Bio/Safety

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  • What are possible solutions to avoid getting hurt when bending, reaching and lifting?
    get proper training
    keep heavy items on lower shelves
    Use helpers or machinery to lift heavy items
    all answers are correct
  • What are some possible solutions for workers who stand for long periods of time at work?
    use floor mats
    all answers are correct
    rotate jobs
    take regular breaks
  • What is a possible solution for the hot grease hazard at a fast food restaurant?
    wear protective clothing
    use grease pans that dump automatically
    all answers are correct
    have splash guards
  • What are possible solutions to preventing injuries using cooking equipment?
    keep appliances in safe condition
    wear gloves or mitts
    all answers are correct
    have guards around hot surfaces
  • What are 2 hazard for workers in a movie theater?
    popcorn, hot dog, and coffee machines, ladders, slippery floors
  • How can you avoid getting cut on slicers and cutting equipment at a fast food restaurant?
    keep guards in place
    get proper training
    turn machine off when cleaning
    all answers are correct
  • Name 2 safety hazards at a fast food restaurant
    cooking equipment, hot grease, slicers & cutting equipment, slippery floors
  • What is a possible solution of slippery floors at fast food restaurant
    clean up spills quickly, use floor mats
  • What should you wear when using cleaning products at work?
    wear gloves
  • What problem can dishwashing and cleaning products cause?
    skin irritation, vapors can cause headaches & other health problems
  • Should you ever use a ladder without proper training?
  • What can happen to you if you work in cold storage areas & freezers in a grocery store?
  • Name 2 hazards at a grocery store.
    box cutters, box crushers, sharp knives, deli slicers
  • How can you avoid being cut on a deli slicer?
    get proper training
    all answers are correct
    keep guards in place
    turn off when cleaning