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  • Mental development: 6. If you can learn something new, what would it be?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 25. How would you describe your ideal team?
    personal answer
  • Spiritual development: 13. If you have a few days left to live, what will you do with them?
    personal answer
  • Social development: 21. Are there past relationships that you’re still holding to until now?
    personal answer
  • Social development: 24. Are you spending enough time with those who matter to you?
    personal answer
  • Physical development: 2. What habits do you have to change?
    personal answer
  • Social development: 23. Do you surround yourself with people who support your growth?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 33. How was your experience being a mentor?
    personal answer
  • For employees: 40. What would you say are your current weaknesses?
    personal answer
  • Mental development: 7. Where do you get motivation from?
    personal answer
  • For employees: 41. What steps do you take to compensate for your weaknesses?
    personal answer
  • Physical development: 4. What do you like most about yourself? What do you hate?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 32. Have you ever been a mentor to an intern or a new hire?
    personal answer
  • Mental development: 8. Are you passionate about your career? Or are you just doing it for the money?
    personal answer
  • Physical development: 3. When you get home from a stressful day, how do you relax and unwind?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 35. Are you quick to get along with new hires in the team?
    personal answer
  • Emotional development:  18. How easily do you get angry? What causes your anger?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 28. How important is communication? Is communication carried out well in the team?
    personal answer
  • Emotional development:  19. Are you the type who bottles up their feelings? Or are you willing to talk about your emotions?
    personal answer
  • Mental development: 10. Are you in an environment that encourages your creativity? Or are you in a toxic setting?
    personal answer
  • Spiritual development: 11. Have you found your life’s purpose?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 27. How do you deal with team members who are not meeting your standards?
    personal answer
  • For yourself: 47. What can you promise yourself now?
    personal answer
  • For yourself: 46. What do you consider as your biggest achievement in life?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 36. Were you able to balance time for your work and your mentoring?
    personal answer
  • Physical development: 5. How is your relationship with food?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 30. What do you consider when hiring a new member of the team?
    personal answer
  • Spiritual development: 15. How do you find peace?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 37. What insight did you get from the experience? Do you think you’ve learned something as well?
    personal answer
  • For yourself: 44. If you became fearless tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do?
    personal answer
  • For yourself: 45. If you met yourself, would you love you or not?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 34. Did you encounter any challenges with some of the new people?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 29. Are there any development tools or collaboration programs that you use? How have they improved the team?
    personal answer
  • Spiritual development: 14. When was the last time you meditated? How did it change the way you feel?
    personal answer
  • Physical development: 1. Are you doing enough to make sure that your body is in good shape?
    personal answer
  • For employees: 38. How much has your performance improved from last year? What new skills were you able to build?
    personal answer
  • For team members: 31. How well do you work with other people?
    personal answer
  • Emotional development:  17. What do you fear the most?
    personal answer
  • Emotional development:  20. How open are you to the changes in your life?
    personal answer
  • Spiritual development: 12. What are the values that you keep at the core of your heart?
    personal answer
  • Social development: 22. Are you reaching out enough to the people who need your help?
    personal answer
  • Mental development: 9. How do you talk to yourself? Do you constantly put yourself down, or do you encourage yourself?
    personal answer
  • For leaders: 26. What are the most important values that must be present in an employee?
    personal answer
  • For employees: 39. Have you been assigned to a difficult role? How did you adapt?
    personal answer
  • For yourself: 43. Where was I a year ago? Where am I now?
    personal answer
  • Emotional development: 16. When was your last genuine laugh?
    personal answer
  • For employees: 42. Where do you imagine yourself in this company in the next months?
    personal answer