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  • G8 is a group of eight rich and powerful countries. They are the USA, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Russia and which country?
  • Which country has a much larger population of men than women: Saudi Arabia, the Philippines or Belgium?
    Saudi Arabia
  • He was from Norway. He was the first person to reach the South Pole in Antarctica, in 1911.
    Roald Amundsen
  • He was the first man to sail across the Pacific Ocean. He gave his name to a piece of water in the far south of South America.
    Ferdinand Magellan
  • He was the first person to walk on the moon, in July 1969.
    Neil Amstrong
  • Where do the most people own cars: Portugal, Italy or South Korea?
  • Where do people make the most rubbish: Japan, Sweden or the USA?
    The USA
  • Charles Darwin visited these islands in Ecuador in the 1860s. Many animals on the animal don't live in other parts of the world.
    The Galapagos Islands
  • Which country has the largest population: China, India or Russia?
  • It is a line of naturally growing rocks under the sea near Australia. Millions of wonderful fish live there in the shallow waters.
    The Great Barrier Reef
  • Which country makes the most money per person per year: Switzerland, Saudi Arabia or Singapore?
  • In which country are there zero births per year?
    The Vatican City
  • Which country has the fewest people per square kilometre: Lybia, Australia or Kazakhstan?
  • It joins the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and was finished in 1869. Ships use it to go from Europe to India and China. Then, they don´t have to go all around Africa.
    The Suez Canal
  • He was the first man in space, in April 1961
    Yuri Gagarin
  • Three of the largest islands in the group are called Oahu, Maui and Kauai. These islands became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1950.
  • In which of these countries does everyone live in a city and no one in the countryside: Yemen, Iceland or Singapore?
  • It is a great waterfall on the Zambezi River in central Africa.
    The Victoria Falls
  • He came from Venice. He travelled across Asia through China, India and Persia from 1271 and 1295.
    Marco Polo
  • The official languages of the United Nations are the six most-spoken languages in the world. They are Chinese, French, English, Arabic, Russian and which language?