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  • Where do amphibians live?
    Amphibians live both in the water and on land.
  • Are the amphibians cold or warm blooded animal?
    They are cold blooded animal (their body temperature changes to the air temperature)
  • How do amphibians breathe when they grow up?
    They breathe through their lungs and skin.
  • How do the babies breathe?
    The babies breathe through their gills.
  • How do tadpoles move?
    They move with their tails.
  • How were amphibians born?
    They were born from eggs.
  • What is the baby called?
    It is called the tadpole.
  • Where are the babies born?
    Babies are born in the water.
  • How do tadpoles breathe?
    They breathe through their gills.
  • How is their skin?
    Their skin is moist.