
Interpreting nonverbal language

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  • How is he feeling? How do you know?
    Bored or tired (staring straight forward; not smiling)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Silly (smiling, moving head side to side)
  • How does she feel? How do you know?
    Mad; annoyed (shaking head "no", not smiling)
  • How is this man feeling? How do you know?
    Disappointed; upset (puts his hands in the air; puts his head down)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Annoyed (rolls her eyes)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Confused (head tilts; eyes squint)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Excited (moving his body to get somewhere)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Shocked, scared (puts hands on head, eyes open wide)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Overwhelmed (serious face, moves hands to face)
  • How is she feeling? How do you know?
    Worried; nervous (hand near mouth; biting finger nails)
  • How is he feeling? How do you know?
    Dissapointed (he slaps his hand on his face)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Sick (hand on forehead, hand held out)
  • How does she feel? How do you know?
    Very happy; excited (clapping hands, mouth open wide)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Angry (eye brows narrowed - moved closer together)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Fine, okay, good (thumbs up)
  • How do they feel? How do you know?
    Proud; pleased (patting themselves on the back)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Thrilled (kicks up high and smiles)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Shocked; surprised (mouth and eyes open wide)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Surprised or excited (eye brows raised; eyes open wide)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Uninterested; bored (staring straight ahead, not smiling)