
Life 1 - Review U1-U3

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  • Ana is a _____ at Cultural.
  • A: _____ Mathias Klum? B: Yes, I am. A: Nice to meet you. _____ Liam Strong.
    Are you / I'm
  • Helena's son is her father's _____.
  • My wife is Russian. His / Her name is Olga.
  • Joe - student ✔ salesperson ✘
    Joe is a student. He is not a salesperson.
  • This is a photo of my dog and I. _____ sleeping.
    We are
  • Mike's daughter is his wife's _____.
    daughter / stepdaughter
  • my name - Ray ✘ Kyle ✔
    My name is not Ray, it's Kyle.
  • Bruno and Paola are from Italy. _____ Italian.
    they are
  • What is the plural of... Child - Man - Woman - Person
    Children - men - women - people
  • I'm _____ scientist. I'm not _____ explorer.
    a / an
  • _____ names are Leandro and Cesar. _____ names are Pedro and Ana.
    Answer will vary
  • We are happy. It's her / our daughter's wedding.
  • _____ name is Ana. _____ name is Leandro. _____ name is Pedro. _____ name is Cesar.
    Answer will vary
  • This is Jack and this is Bill. _____ are Canadian
  • "Anabelle is from France." Write a sentence about her nationality.
    She is French.