
Pía Natalia Del Cid Silva

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  • Check out: To leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key.
    Verb. We checked out (of/from our hotel) at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight.
  • Tweet: A short remark or piece of information published on Twitter.
    Noun. He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.
  • Photobomb: To appear behind or in front of someone when their photograph is being taken, usually doing something silly as a joke.
    Noun. We were photobombed by a guy dressed in a gorilla suit.
  • Apologize: To tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused problems or unhappiness for them.
    Verb. I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness.
  • Poetry: In general as a form of literature.
    Verb. Contemporary poetry and prose.
  • Clickbait: (on the internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.
    Noun. Yes, many content creators use clickbait headlines to lure people in.
  • Crowdfunding: The practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet.
    Verb. I am doing crowdfunding to help a foundation.
  • Bling: Expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry, or the wearing of them.
    Noun. That bag is very bling.
  • Staycation: a holiday that you take at home or near your home rather than travelling to another place.
    Noun. It's easy to have a staycation in a place like NYC.
  • Rhythm: A strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that is used in music, poetry, and dancing.
    Noun. He beat out a jazz rhythm on the drums.
  • Trend: A general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving.
    Verb. Surveys show a trend away from homeownership and toward rented accommodation.
  • Take off: If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly.
    The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.
  • Google: The name of a search engine (= program for finding information on the internet)
    Noun. Have you tried Google?
  • Turn On: Something that you find exciting, especially sexually.
    Noun. The smell of leather on a man is a real turn-on.
  • Turn off: To stop someone feeling interested or excited, especially sexually.
    Verb. I would think the smell of her breath would turn anyone off.
  • Meme: Cultural feature or a type of behavior that is passed from one generation to another, without the influence of genes
    Noun. A meme is the cultural equivalent of the unit of physical heredity, the gene.
  • Downvote (in an online context) register disapproval of or disagreement with (a post or poster) by means of a particular icon.
    Verb. Anyone who creates an account can post comments on the topic and can also upvote or downvote other people's comments.
  • Binge-watch: Watch multiple episodes of (a television program) in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.
    Verb. This way, you can binge-watch your favorite shows without a worry!
  • Look Up: To become better.
    Verb. I hope things will start to look up in the new year.
  • Earworm: A song that you keep hearing in your head.
    Noun. The corn earworm feeds on every part of corn, including the kernels.