
Thinking questions

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  • Explain a flower to someone who has never seen or heard of one before.
  • Are you more like a square or a circle? Why?
  • If you could talk to trees, what do you think they might say? Create a conversation between you and the tree.
  • If people could not see colors or read, how would traffc lights work? Design a traffc system that does not rely on color or the ability to read.
  • You can have any three things that you want. In return, you must give away three things that are about the same size as the things you get. What do you get and what do you give away?
  • Pretend that parents have to take a test before they can have children. Write six questions that would be on the parenting test.
  • Pretend that you get to make one rule that everyone in the world must follow. What rule do you make? Why?
  • If you could live in a tree house, would you? What are fve advantages and fve disadvantages of living in a tree house?
  • If you could choose one thing that costs money and make it free for everyone forever, what would you choose? Why?
  • Are you more like a river, an ocean, or a waterfall? Why?