
Super Review - Modal verbs

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  • Create a sentence using "might", "they" and "us"
    Example "They might invite us to visit their new home tonight!"
  • What's the tanslation of "could"? When or why do I use "could"?
    "Could" is poderia, it's used to talk about permission, habillity or possibility.
  • Create a question using "would" and "how long"
    Example "How long would she stay home if she didn't have to go grocery shopping?"
  • What's the meaning of 'might"?
    "Might" means "possivelmente", "talvez"
  • Translate the sentence "He should work overtime! His wife is pregnant and they need as much money as possible!"
    "Ele deveria fazer hora extra! A esposa dele está grávida e eles precisam do máximo de dinheiro possível!"
  • When or why do I use "may"?
    "May" is used to talk about permission
  • Translate the sentence "Franscisco had better arrive as soon as possible! His son is in serious trouble..."
    "É melhor Francisco chegar logo, o filho dele está com sério problemas..."
  • Create a negative sentence using "could" and "us"
    Example "He couldn't hurt us, our mom would kill him!"
  • When or why do I use "would"?
    "would" is used to talk about hypothesis
  • Create a sentence using "may", "I" and "if"
    "May I call you later? If you prefer to see me another day, that's okay for me too!"
  • Tell me somenthing I should teach you again.
    Example "You should review modal verbs!"
  • Translate the sentence "She'd love to join with us, but she's sick!"
    "Ela amaria juntar-se a nós, mas ela está doente."
  • What's the meaning of "had better"? When it's necessary to use that in a sentence?
    "Had better" means "é melhor...", It's necessary to adsive someone
  • Create a sentence using "had better", "she" and "in order to"
    Example "She'd better rest in order not to freak out!"
  • When or why do I use "can"? Translate "She can do whatever she wants, I trust her!"
    "Can" is used to talk about habillity or permission. "Ela pode fazer o que ela quiser, eu confio nela."
  • Translate "May you help my kid? She didn't understand that subject..."
    "Você pode ajudar minha filha? Ela não entendeu aquela matéria..."
  • When or why do I use "must"?
    "Must" is used to talk about obligation
  • When or why do I use "will" in a sentence? Give me some example
    "Will" is used to talk about the future!
  • Translate "MIght you bother her?! You are always so kind!"
    "Você pode ter chateado ela? Você é sempre tão gentil!"
  • What's the translation of "must"? Tell me something you MUST do everyday
    "must" is "deve/dever". Everyday I must brush my teeth.
  • Explain to me when it's necessary use "should"
    We have to use "should" to advise a someone!
  • Create a sentence using "It" and "can"
    Example "It can work better if you recharde often."