
Adjectives to describe personality

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  • Harriet, who is extremely _________, always wants to be in charge. (She's always telling people what to do)  RELIABLE- AMBITIOUS - BOSSY
  • She's been really _________and emotional these days. (her moods change suddenly and she becomes angry or unhappy easily)  SENSITIVE - MOODY - SELFISH
  • Gabby's parents thought Bill was _____________. (pleasant and attractive)  KIND - CHARMING - FRIENDLY
  • Gideon is very ________- if he says he'll do something, he'll do it. (You can trust him)   RELIABLE - STUBBORN - BOSSY
  • They have huge arguments because they're both so _________. (determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else)  STUBBORN - SPOILT - IMMATURE
  • A ___________ child is allowed to do or have anything that they want, usually so that they behave badly and do not show respect to other people - MOODY - SENSIBLE - SPOILT
    spoilt /spoiled