
What Comes Next?

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  • Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon,
    US Open (order of Grand Slams)
  • Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale,
    Robert Pattinson (actors to play Batman)
  • Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, 
    Delta (phonetic alphabet)
  • A, S, D,
    F (middle row of the keyboard!)
  • 1, 18, 4,
    13 (Numbers on a Dart Board)
  • May, June, March,
    August (months in order of letters in their names)
  • Seoul, Barcelona, Atlanta,
    Sydney (Olympic Venues)
  • I, V, X,
    L (Roman Numerals)
  • Winter, Spring, Summer, 
    Autumn (seasons)
  • Italy, Spain, Germany,
    France (World Cup Winners)
  • Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon,
    Snake (Chinese New Year animals in order)
  • Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia,
    Zimbabwe (countries in alphabetical order)
  • January, February, March,
    April (months in English)
  • Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secret, Prisoner of Azkaban,
    Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter books)
  • Ottawa, Washington D.C, Havana, 
    Mexico City (North American Capital cities going down)
  • 1, 4, 9,
    16 (Squares of 1, 2, 3 4)
  • USA, China, Canada,
    Russia (Countries by Size)
  • Mandarin, Spanish, English,
    Hindi (most spoken languages in the world by native speakers)
  • Red, Orange, Yellow,
    Green (The colours of the rainbow)
  • Mercury, Venus, Earth,
    Mars (Planets from the Sun)