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  • How do you say "Con qué frecuencia ves la tele por la noche" in English? WRITE DOWN THE ANSWER
    How often do you watch TV at night?
  • Is this sentence correct? "John flied to Argentina last week." If not, write down the correct sentence.
    No, it's incorrect. The correct answer is: John flew to Argentina last week.
  • Complete the sentence with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: I _______ (not call) you because I ______ (think) you ______ (be) on holiday.
    didn't call - thought - were
  • Write down 5 DRINKS
    coffee - tea - water - orange juice - milk
  • How do you say CRUDO in English?
  • What is the meaning of TASTY?
  • Write down 5 FRUIT
    apple - banana - strawberry - grape - watermelon
  • Write down the past simple of the verb EAT.
  • Complete the following dialogue: Where ______ you ________ (go) last summer? I ______ (go) to Ireland.
    did you go - went
  • Is this sentence correct? "Last weekend, I founded a very good restaurant in my town." If not, write down the correct sentence.
    No, it's incorrect. The correct answer is: Last weekend, I found a very good restaurant in my town.
  • Write down the past simple of the verb BE.
    was / were
  • What is the meaning of SOUR?
  • Complete the sentence with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: Last weekend I ______ (buy) an expensive phone, I ______ (make) a cake and my sister _______ (come) to visit me.
    bought - made - came
  • How do you say HERVIDO in English?
  • Is this sentence correct? "I didn't played football last weekend." If not, write down the correct answer.
    No, it's incorrect. The correct answer is: I didn't PLAY football last weekend.
  • What is the meaning of PLAIN?
  • How do you say MADURO in English?
  • Is this sentence correct? "When I go to university, I studyed very hard." If not, write down the correct sentence.
    No, it's incorrect. The correct answer is: When I went to university, I studied very hard.
  • Write down 5 VEGETABLES
    carrots - tomatoes - potatoes - broccoli - cauliflower
  • Write down 5 DESSERTS
    cake - cookies - chocolate - fruit - ice cream
  • Complete the sentence with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: The train _______ (stop) in a tunnel, so we ________ (arrive) late.
    stopped - arrived
  • Write down the past simple of the verb BREAK.
  • Is this sentence correct? "Was she bought a new car yesterday?" If not, write down the correct sentence.
    No, it's incorrect. The correct answer is: Did she buy a new car yesterday?