
Relationships - Vocabulary

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  • Someone with whom you went out with and is no longer your girfriend.
  • The wife of one's father by a later marriage.
  • The child who is not the natural child of the parents but has become a true child by legal action.
    an adopted child
  • A fellow worker or a colleague.
  • When you laugh at the same things is because you and your friend...
    have the same sense of humor
  • A man living off the earnings or gifts of a woman, especially a younger man supported by an older woman.
    a gigolo
  • A person who you have been friends with for a long time.
    old friend
  • The father of your husband or wife.
  • An intimate or close friend
    best friend
  • A person who acts in the place of another person's biological mother.
    surregate mother
  • A person you know, but who is not usually a close friend.
  • A person who makes decisions, exercises authority, dominates, etc.
  • A married man
  • A woman who has a continuing, extramarital sexual relationship with one man.
  • A person who feels hatred, or malice toward another.
    foe or enemy
  • When you keep calling or sending e-mails or mesages with a friend...
    keep in touch
  • A member of the same class at a school or university.
  • A member of the same team.
  • A fellow worker or member of a staff, department, profession, etc.
    a colleague
  • A person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance.
  • A son of one's husband or wife by a previous marriage.