
Passive voice

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  • The jotter _____ (tear) into pieces by the cat, if you don't hide it. (future)
    The jotter will be torn into pieces by the cat> if you don't hide it.
  • The field ____(not cover) with snow today.
    The field isn't covered with snow today.
  • This place is really____ (безопасный) because the walls____ (сделаны из бктона).
    This place is really safe because the walls are made of concrete.
  • The Royal Palace ______ (build) in 1737.
    The Royal Palace was build in 1737.
  • Who______ (bite) by the dog yesterday?
    Who was bitten by the dog yesterday?
  • Nobody_____ (hurt) when the earthquake _____(strike) the city.
    Nobody was hurt when the earthquake struck the city.