
Carmen SanDiego Ep 1 and Ep 2

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  • In which European country is Carmen at the start of episode 1?
    She is in Poitiers, France
  • Where does Crackle find Carmen after escaping Paris?
    A train
  • What are some gadgets Carmen uses?
    USB lipstick, Communication earrings, Glider, Lock decoder
  • Can you remember the names of Black Sheep's classmates?
    Crackle, El Topo, Tigress, Mime Bomb, Le chevre
  • What's her name? Can you describe her?
    Julia "Jules" Argent. She's got short black hair, black eyes and wears glasses. She's very intelligent and professional
  • Which continent does the V.I.L.E. team go to on their first mission?
    They go to Morocco, in Africa
  • Who is he? Can you describe him? And his job?
    Player. A white hat hacker. He is young. He's got short straight black hair and grey eyes. He is talented and funny
  • In which country did Carmen live when she was a baby?
    In Argentina
  • What's the name of the school?
    V.I.L.E. Academy
  • What is the only thing Carmen has from when she was a baby?
    A set of Russian dolls
  • What does Carmen have to find in Shadowsan's pocket to pass her exam?
    A 1$ note
  • What's her name? Can you describe her?
    Carmen Sandiego. She's got long brown hair and grey eyes. She's brave, adventurous and intelligent
  • What's Carmen's nickname at the academy?
    Black sheep
  • What's his name? And his job?
    Chase Devineaux, detective