
Chapter 20 Review: Causes of the Civil War

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  • Name a famous abolitionist.
  • A person who wanted to end slavery was called an
  • What does the word seceded mean?
    to officially withdraw from a government or a country
  • What did the Fugitive Slave Act do?
    required Northern officials to help capture fugitives from slavery, or those who had escaped.
  • What two regions fought against each other in the Civil War?
    North and South
  • Why did Southerners not want Lincoln to become president?
    He was against slavery being allowed in new territories.
  • True or False: The Southern part of the United States became the Confederacy.
  • What election happened right before the Civil War and who was voted for?
    President- Abraham Lincoln
  • What began on April 12, 1861?
    The Civil War
  • Where did people in the North start to work?
  • What was the Underground Railroad?
    A system that allowed enslaved people to escape to freedom.
  • What novel did Harriet Beecher Stowe write?
    Uncle Tom's Cabin